Transformation is an inevitable part of life—moments when everything familiar is suddenly upended, and the world as we know it shifts beyond our control. These moments can be deeply personal, arising from accidents, illness, or the end of a relationship. Or they can be collective, experienced on a larger scale through natural disasters or global upheavals. Limbo is inspired by the terror and beauty of sudden, irreversible change.

In my work, delicate plants and leaves are suspended in an ambiguous space, caught between presence and absence, permanence and impermanence, past and present. Floating in a state of in-betweenness, they form relationships, suggesting narratives of connection, loss, and transition. By extending the time it takes to cross from one state to another, I explore the fragile space between dualities—inviting reflection on uncertainty, acceptance, and transformation.

My use of the cyanotype process connects to the tradition of botanical prints dating back to Anna Atkins in 1843. However, rather than creating flat, sharply rendered specimens for scientific study, I use long exposures, selective focus, and compositing techniques to intentionally distort and blur.  My subject matter is more than decaying plant material, they are characters—responding to unseen forces, caught in moments of tension and release. Through these images, I navigate themes of memory, transience, and loss, offering a visual meditation on the delicate balance between holding on and letting go.

EvokeRaptureRadiateRemnantBreatheTurbulenceReflectWaver, IWaver, IIWaver, IIIOvercomeEvolve, IEvolve, IIFlightFuel, IFuel, IISustainPresenceEludeAcceptReleaseSurrenderEndureStill